Founded 8000 B.C.

The Native Village of Afognak

Afognak Residency Aerials

Families Aerial square
1 Clara & Chris Helgerson 1
2 Frieda Lind
3 von Scheele's barn
4 von Scheele

5   2
6 Teagan and Teageniga Shertatine / 2 Sarah Berger
7 Hans Olsen
8 Macar Derenoff (father of Nick)/ 2 Pete Gunderson
9 cellar
11 Willis and Martha Nelson

12 Chute Wassille 3
13 Pete Gunderson / 2 Harry Knagin
14 Dennis Boskofsky
15 Masha
17 von Scheele's Store
18 Olga Larsen
20 Alex and Selma Chichenoff
21 Senafont and Sophie Nelson
22 George Lui's
23 ? Shuravloff
24 Annie Kewan Petellin

25 Abner Nelson 4
26 Pioman's Store
27 Alfred Nelson Sr.
28 Alfred Nelson Jr.
28a Old School location, moved behind Church to be Priory
29 Tina Larsen
30 Zeinida Lukin
31 Oscar Ellison
32 Petellin's Store
34 Jingle's / 1 Sonny and Kathryn Chichenoff's 1st house
35 Olga McCormick (Sam Amacuq)
38 site of Chichenoff's Dance Hall
39 1 Martin Larsen / 2 Lucy Gregorioff / 3 Tommy von Scheele
40 Nadia and Patty Mullan
41 Holy Theotokus Russian Orthodox Church
42 Church House / Priory (former school moved)

43 Larry Ellanek / Nick & Polly Noya / George Naumoff 5
44 Marg and Lloyd Garner / Barbara Willits
45 Kuka Anderson / Nadia & Patty Mullan
46 Kuka Anderson
48 Bible Chapel
49 Irishman
50 Hatchery employee house / Johnny and Sophie Nelson
51 Grinka's parents
52 Johnny and Helen Nelson
53 Old Graveyard

54 von Scheele's old store, became Bible Chapel 6
55 Dennis and Julie Knagin
57 Keagan's old house
58 Old man Toshwok
59 Nick Noya
60 School house
61 Ainar Agick / John Lukin / Sarah Gregorioff
62 Sam Amachuk's old house site
63 School's waterhouse
64 John and Julia Pestrikoff
65 Powerhouse / Oil storage
66 old lady ?

67 Afonie Lukin 7
68 Sergay and Martha Sheratine
70 Mike Toshwok
72 Sam Amachuk grew up here
73 Lukin
74 Alexander Lukin


A product of the Afognak Data Recovery Project

To embrace, protect, develop, and enhance Alutiiq culture, protect our traditional use areas and encourage unity among the Alutiiq of the Kodiak Archipelago