Native Village of Afognak
Learn more about NVA
Dig AfognakNative Village of Afognak petroglyph
Driftwood Journey Curriculum
A 6-8 week Curriculum for 3rd-5th grades
    •  Driftwood Unit Summary
    •  A Driftwood Story
    •  Properties of Wood
    •  Cultural Uses of Wood
    •  Tides and the Moon
    •  Wind Tides and Currents
    •  Earthquakes and Tsunamis
    •  Afognak & the 1964 Tsunami
        Camp version, classroom version
    •  Celebrating Trees
    •  Celebrating Alutiiq Customs
    •  Resources Used

Red Cedar of Afognak Book
Cultural context for Driftwood Curriculum

Available for purchase:
General Public: $14, plus $1.50 per book for shipping and handling

NVA Tribal Members: $10, plus $1.50 per book for shipping and handling

Please send payment and order to:
        Red Cedar of Afognak
        Native Village of Afognak
        115 Mill Bay Rd., Suite 201
        Kodiak, AK 99615

Wholesale price available to retail stores. Please contact NVA at
907-486-6357 for details.

    »  Order Books

Afognak Village History
Compiled & Written by Dr. Gordon Pullar
    •  Introduction
    •  Chapter 1, 1964 quake
       •  In person: Allen Lukin
       •  In person: Betty Nelson
       •  In person: Victoria Nelson Woodward
       •  In person: John Pestrikoff
       •  In person: John Nelson
       •  In person: Ivan Lukin
    •  Chapter 2, Katmai eruption
    •  Chapter 3, Village sides
    •  Sugtestun/Afognak Map or Hi-Res PDF

    Click to order
    »  Red Cedar of Afognak Project Credits
